4 Helpful Tips When You Shop Online Fashion Earrings
When you shop online fashion earrings, you're spoiled for choice. Unlike a brick and mortar store where you're confined to certain styles, shapes and colours; with online shopping, you can browse to your heart's content before you finally decide on an earring (or two) *cheeky grin* to buy.
But how will you know if these novelty and cute earrings will meet your expectations? How can you tell if they'll be kind on your sensitive skin? Read on to find out more about my top 4 earring shopping tips.
1. Check the earring posts or hooks
Unfortunately, what I've noticed when browsing earrings online, is the lack of information particularly when it comes to the materials used. It's fine if you don't have sensitive skin, but if you're anything like me, any substances that aren't too skin-friendly can prove to be a complete nightmare. (Yes, the itch is REAL and it's no fun at all!) Allergens or metals such as nickel are the...